Peaches and Plums floral arrangement, a stunning mix of soft peach and deep plum blooms, perfect for celebrations, anniversaries, or gifting, available for same-day delivery in Los Angeles

Peaches & Plums - West Los Angeles Florist


The Peaches & Plums arrangement is a stunning combination of peach and purple flowers, thoughtfully arranged in a sleek glass vase. This vibrant display brings together warm, inviting tones of peach with the rich, regal hues of purple, creating an elegant and eye-catching centerpiece.

Handcrafted by expert florists in Los Angeles, Peaches & Plums is perfect for a variety of occasions, from birthdays to celebrations, or as a special gift to brighten someone's day. Please note that due to seasonality and availability, substitutions may occur to ensure the freshest blooms are used.

Order today for a vibrant and beautiful floral arrangement, delivered with care throughout Los Angeles.


The Peaches & Plums arrangement is a stunning combination of peach and purple flowers, thoughtfully arranged in a sleek glass vase. This vibrant display brings together warm, inviting tones of peach with the rich, regal hues of purple, creating an elegant and eye-catching centerpiece.

Handcrafted by expert florists in Los Angeles, Peaches & Plums is perfect for a variety of occasions, from birthdays to celebrations, or as a special gift to brighten someone's day. Please note that due to seasonality and availability, substitutions may occur to ensure the freshest blooms are used.

Order today for a vibrant and beautiful floral arrangement, delivered with care throughout Los Angeles.