More Than Friends floral arrangement, a romantic bouquet with a mix of vibrant blooms, perfect for expressing love, appreciation, and deep connections, available for same-day delivery in Los Angeles

More Than Friends - West Los Angeles Florist


The More Than Friends arrangement showcases stunning long stem lavender roses, a unique and elegant choice for expressing admiration, affection, or appreciation. Handcrafted by expert florists in Los Angeles, these beautiful roses are a perfect way to convey deep feelings on any occasion.

With their soft, enchanting color and refined presentation, these lavender roses make a meaningful gift for someone special, whether for a birthday, anniversary, or just because.

Order today for a beautiful bouquet of lavender roses, delivered with care throughout Los Angeles.


The More Than Friends arrangement showcases stunning long stem lavender roses, a unique and elegant choice for expressing admiration, affection, or appreciation. Handcrafted by expert florists in Los Angeles, these beautiful roses are a perfect way to convey deep feelings on any occasion.

With their soft, enchanting color and refined presentation, these lavender roses make a meaningful gift for someone special, whether for a birthday, anniversary, or just because.

Order today for a beautiful bouquet of lavender roses, delivered with care throughout Los Angeles.