Merlot floral arrangement, featuring deep red and purple blooms, perfect for romantic occasions, anniversaries, or celebrations, available for same-day delivery in Los Angeles

Merlot - West Los Angeles Florist


The Merlot arrangement offers a dark and mysterious allure, featuring deep red roses, elegant orchids, dark calla lilies, and seasonal greenery. A touch of orange adds a pop of color, all beautifully presented in a burgundy leaf-lined vase. Perfect for the fall season, this striking bouquet creates a bold, sophisticated statement.

Handcrafted by expert florists in Los Angeles, Merlot captures the essence of autumn with its rich colors and luxurious blooms. Whether for a special occasion or to add dramatic beauty to your space, this arrangement is sure to impress.

Order today for a stunning floral display, delivered with care throughout Los Angeles.


The Merlot arrangement offers a dark and mysterious allure, featuring deep red roses, elegant orchids, dark calla lilies, and seasonal greenery. A touch of orange adds a pop of color, all beautifully presented in a burgundy leaf-lined vase. Perfect for the fall season, this striking bouquet creates a bold, sophisticated statement.

Handcrafted by expert florists in Los Angeles, Merlot captures the essence of autumn with its rich colors and luxurious blooms. Whether for a special occasion or to add dramatic beauty to your space, this arrangement is sure to impress.

Order today for a stunning floral display, delivered with care throughout Los Angeles.