Half Dozen Pink Roses floral arrangement, a delicate bouquet perfect for expressing love, admiration, or appreciation, available for same-day delivery in Los Angeles for birthdays, anniversaries, and special occasions

Half Dozen Pinks -West Los Angeles Florist


The Half Dozen Pinks arrangement is a stunning display of elegance, featuring six exquisite pink Mondial roses. These premium roses are delicately arranged in a sophisticated "Baccarat" type vase, creating a timeless and luxurious look.

Perfect for any occasion, whether it's a birthday, anniversary, or simply to show appreciation, this elegant arrangement adds a touch of beauty and refinement to any space. Handcrafted by our expert florists in Los Angeles, the Half Dozen Pinks is a perfect gift to express love, admiration, or congratulations in the most graceful way.

Order now for a thoughtful and luxurious floral gift, delivered with care throughout Los Angeles.


The Half Dozen Pinks arrangement is a stunning display of elegance, featuring six exquisite pink Mondial roses. These premium roses are delicately arranged in a sophisticated "Baccarat" type vase, creating a timeless and luxurious look.

Perfect for any occasion, whether it's a birthday, anniversary, or simply to show appreciation, this elegant arrangement adds a touch of beauty and refinement to any space. Handcrafted by our expert florists in Los Angeles, the Half Dozen Pinks is a perfect gift to express love, admiration, or congratulations in the most graceful way.

Order now for a thoughtful and luxurious floral gift, delivered with care throughout Los Angeles.