Gleam of Light floral arrangement, a radiant bouquet with bright and cheerful blooms, perfect for uplifting any occasion, available for same-day delivery in Los Angeles

Gleam of Light -West Los Angeles Florist


The Gleam of Light Funeral Spray is a heartfelt tribute featuring vibrant yellow blooms symbolizing hope and remembrance. This small yet elegant spray, handcrafted by expert Los Angeles florists, radiates warmth and comfort, offering solace during moments of loss.

Perfect for funerals or memorial services, the arrangement includes fresh seasonal flowers and greenery, designed to honor your loved one with grace and simplicity.

Order today to share a gleam of light and love during a difficult time, with delivery available throughout Los Angeles.


The Gleam of Light Funeral Spray is a heartfelt tribute featuring vibrant yellow blooms symbolizing hope and remembrance. This small yet elegant spray, handcrafted by expert Los Angeles florists, radiates warmth and comfort, offering solace during moments of loss.

Perfect for funerals or memorial services, the arrangement includes fresh seasonal flowers and greenery, designed to honor your loved one with grace and simplicity.

Order today to share a gleam of light and love during a difficult time, with delivery available throughout Los Angeles.